Some words of encouragement!

It has been a while since I last posted an update on my journey. Amanda is still a very big part of me. As previously stated I’m still “around Clapham Junction heading towards Waterloo” and not sure how or when I might get there, if ever! I am though at peace with who and where I am on the transgender spectrum.

Since moving I have met a lot of interesting and like minded people, with different tales to tell. A full cross section of the population and all are at different stages and points on the TG spectrum and their journeys.

I love talking to people and supporting them. I’m constantly reminded that I am so fortunate to have such a supportive partner and family who have been with me on this journey. Linda allows me total freedom to be Amanda whenever I like. For many this is just an impossible dream!

Beauticians and beauty treatments are important to me. I feel very relaxed when under going beauty treatments and it feels totally natural to have feminising treatments. I now have three beauty salons who between them fully support me on my journey. All the beauticians are seeing more and more transgender clients. I have had some lovely chats with the girls and been asked to add postings to their web sites to encourage transgender clients. Some now have LGBT logos on their website, like Christiane and stickers in their windows. Help is out there to achieve your feminine face and body.

It’s not easy to come out, to accept yourself and ask for help, but taking the initial step really is easier than you think. I’ve been there! There is a lot of support! Christiane is a great example and advocate. Her make up skills and knowledge will really raise the game for you. It did for me. Again, I realise that without a supportive partner, family etc. some beauty treatments may not be possible.

Your beautician will be aware and very supportive of your needs, goals, objectives etc. and how far you want to and can go. I love and can go all the way! Regular brow defining, tinting, body waxing, nail extensions, toe nails painted, lash tint – lift and lashes done for special occasions. Previously I have had laser treatment on my face and neck. All dark hairs gone!

Clothing is another area where support is out there. Moving away from Surrey required a fresh start with shopping for Amanda. I have had only positive results when buying female clothing. Boutiques, M&S, Dress Agencies and Charity Shops are all on my radar. Many lovely chats with owners, managers etc. All very encouraging and supportive.

New friendships have been formed in quite a short amount of time. Amanda has been invited to open evenings, brand launches and drinks parties. I love these events being fully en femme and accepted. Again, some amazing conversations with other clients, customers etc. I can be the real me! Business Cards are being printed for me to promote a Dress Agency with the TG Scene meetings I go to. One shop I regularly use has offered to put on an exclusive special evening shopping event for the TG Community with wine and nibbles.

Support groups are opening up again after Covid. Online and physical groups are a good starting point. Find these groups. Support these groups. These groups are for you! You will not be alone on your journey of discovery. A new life and world awaits you. You are what you are!

Don’t fight but embrace your feminine feelings and desires. I found this to be so true when I had transgender counselling. Through counselling the real me came out! It was quite a journey, something I should have undertaken years ago but put off. The fear of going into the unknown and where it all might lead. The opposite result shone through. It reaffirmed who I was.

The internet is an amazing place! You’re reading this story – a coincidence? Are you exploring yourself? Going on a journey? I find reading other peoples blogs, accounts, stories very encouraging and uplifting. We are all on a similar journey on the TG Spectrum. We are all very
similar in the tales we can tell. The TG world is growing all the time and becoming far more mainstream and accepted. There is so much more support and help available now.

The news, media today is full of trans stories and issues. Wherever you are, don’t suppress your deep down thoughts and feelings to present and be accepted as female. Accept who and what you are and embrace your new self. You will feel so much better for it. Step out, enjoy and embrace your feminine side.

Love yourself for who and what you are! Be proud of yourself !


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